Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Muddy Man Storage is located in Rockaway Beach and Hollister, Missouri. We are convenient to a variety of communities in Taney County, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

What are the customer service hours?

We always have someone available to talk with you by phone if you need us. We are available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday – Saturday. Just call us, we love to help people make their lives easier!

When can I access my storage unit?

Each of our properties allows our customers to get access to their storage units from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. If you need other arrangements, please call us.

What is a unit with drive-up access?

Drive-up storage units are on the ground level of a facility, allowing renters to park directly next to them for easy loading or unloading. Parking right in front of your unit will allow you to move heavy items with no issues.

Do you offer RV, boat, or vehicle storage?

Yes, you will be able to find both indoor and outdoor storage units at our facilities, depending on which location you choose. Whether you need more space at home or can’t park outside your garage due to HOA regulations, reach out to us for a reliable storage solution!

How safe are your properties?

We take the security of your belongings seriously, offering amenities like perimeter fencing and a video security system at our facilities. With a variety of secure storage units and individual locks, your unit will be ready for you to move in when you need to.

Do you have automatic payment options?

Great question! Our online bill pay option allows tenants to sign up for recurring payments through their online account. Our customers love this useful feature because it means their monthly rent is always paid on time.

Can I rent a unit at any time?

Yes, we offer convenient online rentals on a month-to-month basis. Just visit our locations page to select your space. Whatever fuels your need for renting our storage units, we are always just a phone call away.